Ketchup Fraud

We’ve all been there. You’re sitting at a restaurant, you grab the Heinz Bottle and pour some on your fries. But something’s off. The colour, the texture, the taste. The ketchup is in the iconic Heinz bottle but clearly, it’s not Heinz. You’re been a victim of Ketchup Fraud.

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Client: Kraft Heinz
Global CCO: Aaron Starkman
CCO: Mike Dubrick, Daniel Lobatón
CSO: Sean McDonald
ECD: Xavier Blais
Creative Director: Skye Deluz, Jacquelyn Parent, Fernando Hernandez
Writer : Nicolas Dubois, Xavier Blais, Jacquelyn Parent
Art Director : Skye Deluz
Strategist: Julian Morgan, Emma Bayfield, Clément Martin, Pascal Routhier
Producers: Tricia Lapidario, Kate A. Spencer
Post Supervisors: R+D Post, Megan O’Connor, Shannon Ing
Integrated Producer: Kate A. Spencer
Studio: Brad Kumar/Justin Chan/Kostas Loukopoulos
Group Business Lead: Adam Ball
Group Account Director: Jamie Sutherland
Account Director: David Greisman, Catherine Blouin-Mainville
Account Supervisor: Jamie Flatow
Account Manager: Rachel Cloth
Photographer: Ale Burset


Coors Lights Out